Exquisite Corpse

A full original play I wrote for The Fiery Floods Theatre Company back in 2022, it was a fun brief because the scope of the project was so challenging. Through the play (which was composed of different tableaus) I had to weave in certain scenes from the Surrealist movement. The play was created to celebrate the anniversary of the Surrealist movement, as such it was full of weird, wonderful and sometimes slightly mad scenes. I've included a section here. Please note all rights to the play including this passage here is owned by Fiery Floods Theatre Company. I just wrote it but I do not own it!



Antonin Artaud is going into Sigmund Freud’s practice - this entire scene should be over the top at maximum volume and emotion on Artaud’s part. 

Artaud: if i wanted to come at another time i would have come at another time

Freud: Artaud

Artaud: i do not want to talk to you. I want, to talk, to Freud

Freud: Artaud

Artaud: well frankly i don’t give a flying -

Freud: Artaud

Artaud: what. Do you want?

Freud: just get inside

Artaud: she wouldn’t bloody - 

Freud: i know, i know my friend. Sit down…close the door first

Artaud: you can’t you do that 
Freud: i can. That does not mean i want to

Artaud: look okay, you left of your own accord at least. I was kicked out. Like some sort of dog. Too surreal, too weird, too out of the box, too -
Freud: much

Artaud: precisely. Too much for their tiny abilities

Freud: well, perhaps it was just different abilities

Artaud: they said i was unnatural

Freud: Artaud, as a child your parents were cousins…

Artaud: Freud, cut me the bullshit. I am not going to be psychoanalysed and told i am having issues with my self-worth because i fancied my mother as a child

Freud: just a theory, you would be surprised how many people understand once they have talked it through

Artaud: yes but these are people who also believe that Heaven exists and Hell is a bad place

Freud: Hell is a bad place

Artaud: Hell is on Earth, as is Heaven. The rest is all a mass of idiocy as fantastic as anything i could have ever thought of

Freud: what’s wrong Artaud

Artaud: they didn’t kick you out

Freud: no, i left

Artaud: well i know that. What i want to know is why
Freud: why do you think i left

Artaud: because they didn’t all sleep with their mothers or fancy their fathers and you lost the base of your theory

Freud: no need to be vulgar

Artaud screams

Freud: nobody move! It is fine, he is fine


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